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Emerald Cut 2 carat Diamond Ring | Facets Singapore

Jewellery Manufacturers

Providing a wide range of trade services—for jewellery manufacturers. We work with small and medium-sized jewellery manufacturers to help them succeed in today’s competitive business environment. Our melee diamonds are accurately graded and sized and we are able to provide a consistent just-in-time supply saving you the cost of stocking a large range of goods for production.

Need 20 pointer oval shapes?

Facets provides services such as forward purchase services on an 'outsource' model which enables the jewellery manufacturer to focus on his core business. This facility implemented in collaboration with our supply partners can be applied to regular assortments or specific recurring requirements.

Value-added services to complement manufacturers

Facets has developed a specific range of value-added services to support jewellery manufacturers.

We are a one-stop service for jewellery manufacturers, offering well assorted diamonds in calibrated sizes. In addition, we can also provide support in branding and market expansion.

Did you know?
A diamond’s colour distinctions are subtle and invisible to the untrained eye but have a big impact on its price.

More Services

Jewellery designer at work | Facets Singapore
Craftsmen & Designers

Facets treasures the unique relations with designers and craftsmen who promote the fine art of diamond jewellery creation.

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Tools for the diamond trade | Facets Singapore
Dealer Services

We have developed a strong and loyal relationship with diamond wholesalers as well as dealers in Asia and around the world.

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Retail jewellery Arcade | Facets Singapore

For more than four decades, Facets has been a privileged partner of jewellery retailers in Singapore and South-East Asia. Diamonds are what we do best.

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Jewellery Manufacturers Facets Singapore

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